Solidres for Joomla 3.1.3 Stable

This is the Solidres v3.1.3 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • Reservation status change email: uses the default Joomla language, not the active Joomla language
  • Fix error array_values(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given while accessing reservation when the origin list is empty
  • Bootstrap grid improvements in rate plan break down and rate plan standard mode

File size
2.15 Mb
SHA1 Signature
Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0

This is the installation package for Solidres 3.1.3 STABLE. This version requires Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5.

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