How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

NOTE Channel Manager feature is only available for Joomla at this moment.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

This channel manager is provided by the integration between Solidres and


  • Solidres 3.0.1+
  • Channel Manager plugin v2.0.0+ installed and enabled
  • Statistics plugin v1.8.6+
  • Complex tariff plugin v1.7.1+

Please follow the following steps to join:

STEP 1. Register a Beds24 account.

Go to to sign up for a free trial account (it is easy, no credit card is required). Enter the information in the signup form and click the "Join now" button

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

STEP 2. Create property.

To create a new property, go to menu Properties in Settings backend and click on the "Add New Property" button, the form is pretty straightforward.

Properties can be Hotels, Hostels, B&B´s, holiday houses, vacation rentals, apartment houses, camp sites. You can have one properties or multiple properties of different types.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

STEP 3. Create room type

A property has one or more rooms. The room management interface can be accessed via Setting backend → Properties → Rooms.

Here, click on the "Add New Room" button to create a new room.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

STEP 4. Set up the Beds24 API.

In, go to Apps & Integrations → API → Generate invite code, then copy this code and go back to your Joomla site.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

Open Joomla Plugin Manager → Channel Manager plugin, then paste the Invite code generated above into field Invite code, set Yes for field Generate tokens, the save the plugin to trigger the tokens generation process.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

After the plugin is saved, the field Token and Refresh token should be automatically filled for you. Token needs to be rotated every 24 hours (by using the Refresh token) while Refresh token is not rotated but it will be expired if not being used within 30 days. If the Refresh Token expired, you will need to generate a new Invite code and start over.

STEP 5. Associate Solidres property/room type with Beds24 property/room type.

In Solidres, edit your property → Channel Manager → Beds24: enter your Beds24 property Id into field Property Id.

In Solidres, edit your room type → Channel Manager → Beds24: enter your Beds24 room Id into field Room Id, then set how you want to sync this room type in field Sync options.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

STEP 6. Setup Joomla Scheduled Tasks.

This step is needed do perform these tasks (04 tasks) automatically:

  • Token renewal
  • Process the inventory/rate plan sync
  • Monitor the sync progress
  • Log sync activity

If you are new to Joomla 4 Scheduled Tasks, make sure that you read this tutorial first to get started (

Go to Joomla → System → Scheduled Tasks, add the following task types:

  • Solidres – Channel Manager Token: Interval in hours should be set less than 24 hours.
  • Solidres – Channel Manager Sync: Interval in minutes should be set as 1.
  • Solidres – Channel Manager Watch: Interval in minutes should be set as 1.
  • Solidres – Channel Manager Log: Interval in minutes should be set as 1.

STEP 7. Setup Beds24 property webhook.

In Joomla Plugin Manager → Channel Manager plugin → copy the Webhook URL field.

In Beds24 → Properties → Access → paste the URL into the URL field, replace [PROPERTYID] tag in the URL with your actual property Id

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

This URL will be used by Beds24 to notify when new booking arrivies from your channels.

STEP 8. Add new Statistics widget the show the channel manager activity log.

In Solidres → Reports & Statistics → Widget, add new widget called Channel Manager activity, then save the Widget.

How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

STEP 9. Sync your Solidres rate and inventory to beds24.

NOTE In this setup, Solidres controls the rate plan and inventory. The Beds24 channel manager is reponsible to manage the booking channels and sync the reservations only. That means you should not alter the inventory directly in Beds24 dashboard.

To ensure that the integration is setup correctly, we will do the first inventory/rate sync:

  • Go to your Solidres room type, edit one of the rate plan or you can add new rate plan.
  • Enter all the prices and save the rate plan, it will trigger the inventory/rate plan (it depends on your room type Sync options setting) sync process.
  • When the sync is completed, you should be able to see the activity log in your Reports & Statistics menu.
How to configure Beds24 Channel Manager

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