[3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0

2 years 5 months ago #18903 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
many thanks!

1 - Feature Request > opened here: Feedback plugin widget always visible when enabled www.solidres.com/forum/feature-requests-...visible-when-enabled

Here I anticipate some issues to be careful of (which obviously I have not yet checked on Joomla 4 with updated Bootstrap Font Awesome):

Feedback tab
2 - in Property, would be good to change the tab name from “Reviews” to “Feedback” as into Experience
3 - Why is the “Customer full name” not shown on the left side near the Flag icon (like in the backend) ? - I attach an image
4 - There is an unwanted CSS class in the file …/media/jui/css/jquery.searchtools.css?c3d2513bc0d07927e38a775e6e194076 .chzn-single { border: 2px solid #2384D3;} - as far as I understand .chzn-single should be deleted - see the attached image
5 - the spinner icon is always shown as “uploading”. There is a “fa fa-spin fa-spinner hide” class, Is it right ? Is a dot missing ? (fa-spinner.hide) - see the attached image - test page: test3.egulp.net/turismo/alojamiento/lotus
6 - An unwanted scroll bar is shown at the bottom - see the attached image

Scores tab
7 - Experience Score tab Star “fa fa-star-half-o“ icon class, as far as I know, has been changed to “fas fa-star-half-alt” - see the attached image - test page: test3.egulp.net/turismo/experiencia/expe...cleta-natural-tour-1
8 - to fix Property Scores tab layout as in the Experience: badge, bottom spacing, and total score at the bottom of the tab

9 - Would be very good to have in the Property page the Tab nav-link Icons like you added in the Experience page

10 - Please, Do you have any trick / workaround to hide on small screens the Tab nav-link Titles and just leave the Tab nav-link Icons ?

11 - Partner Dashboard > to add a selector to be able to switch from Properties Feedbacks to Experience Feedbacks and vice versa as into the Customer Dashboard

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2 years 4 months ago - 2 years 4 months ago #18922 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.28 + Joomla 4.1.0 + Solidres 2.12.7 + Plugin Feedback Version 1.2.3
Now I can create Feedbacks entry, many thanks!

1 - Feature Request > opened here: Feedback plugin widget always visible when enabled www.solidres.com/forum/feature-requests-...visible-when-enabled

Feedback tab

2 - in Property, would be good to change the tab name from “Reviews” to “Feedback” as into Experience

3 - Why is the “Customer full name” not shown on the left side near the Flag icon (like in the backend) ? - I attached an image

4 - There is an unwanted CSS class in the file …/media/jui/css/jquery.searchtools.css .chzn-single { border: 2px solid #2384D3;} - as far as I understand .chzn-single should be deleted - see the previous attached image

5 / 6 - Clicking on the "thumbs up" icon nothing happen, doesn't matter if I'm logged or not (This is happening also on J3).
Please, Am I missing anything ?

Scores tab

7 - Experience Score tab Star “fa fa-star-half-o“ icon class, as far as I know, has been changed to “fas fa-star-half-alt” in Font Awesome 5.x - see the attached image - test page: test3.egulp.net/turismo/experiencia/expe...cleta-natural-tour-1
Am I right ?

8 - Property Scores tab layout / Experience Scores tab layout should be the same: badge, bottom spacing, and total score at the bottom of the tab - I add two images

9 - Would be very good to have in the Property page the Tab nav-link Icons like you added in the Experience page

10 - Please, Do you have any trick / workaround to hide on small screens the Tab nav-link Titles and just leave the Tab nav-link Icons ?

11 - Partner Dashboard > to add a selector to be able to switch from Properties Feedbacks to Experience Feedbacks and vice versa as into the Customer Dashboard
Last edit: 2 years 4 months ago by joomleb.

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2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 2 months ago #18975 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.29 + Joomla 4.1.3 + Solidres 2.12.8 + Plugin Feedback Version 1.2.4
- Property J4 test page: test1.egulp.net/mango
- Experience J4 test page: test1.egulp.net/mevoy

Feedback tab
2 - Issue - in Property, would be good to change the tab name from “Reviews” to “Feedback” as into Experience (or vice versa). Are you agree ?

3 - BUG - Why is the “Customer full name” not shown on the left side near the Flag icon (like in the backend preview) ? - I attach an image

5 / 6 - BUG - In the Frontend (compare it with the attached image) only the "thumbs up" is shown.
Then Clicking on the "thumbs up" icon nothing happen, doesn't matter if I'm logged or not (This is happening also on J3).
Please, Am I missing anything ?

Scores tab
7 - Issue - Experience Score tab Star “fa fa-star-half-o“ icon class, as far as I know, has been changed to “fas fa-star-half-alt” in Font Awesome 5.x. Am I right ?

8 - Issue - Property Feedback / Scores tab layouts + Experience Feedback / Scores tab layouts should be more consistent:

8A - the Header .Badge should have same layout, compare them on the test pages. Solution: to delete as deprecated the entire code (or to assign the same CSS also for the Experience badge):
…/media/plg_solidres_feedback/assets/css/feedbacks.css - Line 385
#asset-feedback-scores .badge, #scores .badge {
margin-bottom: 20px;
background-color: teal;
From my point of view I'd like to see them () " ".
#asset-feedback-scores .badge, #expScores .badge {
font-size: 1rem; (I mean bigger than the 75% setted by Bootstrap)
float: right; (maybe, as you done into the Feedback tab)
In that case would be better to add:
header {
margin-bottom: 1rem;

8B - the Total Score (review_stars review_count) shown at the bottom of the Experience Scores tab should be shown also on the Property Scores tab (or vice versa)
Please, Can you make them consistent in the layout?

12 - BUG - Property Progress-bars are not full width, compare it in the linked pages. Solution: to delete as deprecated the entire code:
…/media/plg_solidres_feedback/assets/css/feedbacks.css - Line 277
#asset-feedback-scores > ul, #scores > ul {
width: 280px;
max-width: 100%;
list-style: none;
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

13 - Experience Feedback Score tab Progress-bars in J4 are not loading: test1.egulp.net/mevoy in J3 they are loading

Feature Request
1 - As you suggested I opened it here: Feedback plugin widget always visible when enabled www.solidres.com/forum/feature-requests-...visible-when-enabled
Please, Can you add a comment ?

9 - Would be very good to have in the Property page the Tab nav-link Icons like you added in the Experience page. Can you add them ?

10 - Please, Do you have any trick / workaround to hide on small screens the Tab nav-link Titles and just leave the Tab nav-link Icons ?

11 - Partner Dashboard > Can you add a selector to be able to switch from Properties Feedbacks to Experience Feedbacks and vice versa as into the Customer Dashboard ?
Last edit: 2 years 2 months ago by joomleb.

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2 years 3 weeks ago - 2 years 2 weeks ago #19086 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.30 + Joomla 4.1.5 + Solidres 2.12.9 + Feedback plugin 1.2.5
- Property J4 test page: test1.egulp.net/mango
- Experience J4 test page: test1.egulp.net/mevoy
There are a lot of things that are not running as expected.we must proceed step by step to not make confusion:

3 - BUG - Feedback > Customer full name
about the “Customer full name” not shown in frontend on the left side near the Flag icon, like in the backend preview, as shown in my previous attached image, seems not solved, but I cannot proofly test it because:

3A - BUG - J3 / J4 Backend (only) > New Feedback > the Customer full name field is not shown:
--- when I select the Reservation field, the Property/Experience and Country fields are hidden
--- when I select the Reservation field, the Property/Experience field is hidden
--- the field Customer full name is shown only when the Property/Experience is selected
The right behavior should be:
--- to move the Property / Experience fields just under the “Select a type” field - I add an image
--- to have the “”Property / Experience fields” conditional displaying depending on the “Select a type” selection (following the Partner owns in frontend)
--- then, to have the “”Reservation” conditional displaying depending on the selected ”Property / Experience fields”
--- All fields should be always shown
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

5 / 6 - BUG - Feedback - Frontend Dislike "thumbs down" / Like "thumbs up" buttons.
By clicking quickly on the thumb Like / Dislike I can vote several times !!!
A user should only be able to vote 1 time (either positive, or negative):
--- How / Where is the user's click stored?
--- I can prevent Guest Users (not logged in) from clicking (in my opinion it should be by default)
--- But, Please, How can I be sure that the logged in user has only given 1 vote, positive / negative, for each comment ?

PS - On Cassiopeia J4, and other templates, the thumbs icons are not well aligned.
Solution: to change the “margin-left: 12px;” property with a “margin: 0 0.25rem;”
…/media/plg_solidres_feedback/assets/css/feedbacks.css - around line 284
.sr-feedback-list .box > .detail > .like_count {
float: right;
text-decoration: none !important;
color: teal;
margin-left: 12px; >>> margin: 0 0.25rem;

PPSS - In Frontend the ordering of the icons is Dislike "thumbs down" / Like "thumbs up"
While in the Backend > Feedbacks table, they are shown at the reverse Like "thumbs up" / Dislike "thumbs down"
Please, Can you show them with the same ordering ?

12 - issue - Property > Scores tab > Progress-bars width
As you can see on Property test page, they are not in full width.
Solution: to delete the “width: 280px;” property. Anyway, the entire code seems to be deprecated because defined yet from bootstrap.
…/media/plg_solidres_feedback/assets/css/feedbacks.css - line 277
#asset-feedback-scores > ul, #scores > ul {
width: 280px;
max-width: 100%;
list-style: none;
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

13 - BUG - Experience > Scores tab > Progress-bars not loading
As you can see on the Experience test pages:
- in J4 they are not loading
- in J3 they are loading, but if I reload the page the experience is shown with the “Scores” tab selected, and Progress-bars they are not loading anymore. I have to switch between the tabs to have them loading again.
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

2 - Issue - Language String tabs Titles
From my point of view there is no reason to use different Feedback language strings for Property and Experience.
Feedbacks are always something delicate for those who give a service.
"Reviews" sounds like a judgment, prompting users to write down all the things that are not right.
While "Feedbacks" (and / or "Comments") is something more proactive, also opening users to make suggestions for improvement.

around line 165 - SR_RESERVATION_FEEDBACKS Feedback > Feedbacks (plural)


Do you agree ?

14 - BUG - navbar & sortfilterbar
A - While the Feedback Scores sorting is added into the navbar, it is not shown into the Sort list of the sortfilerbar
B - You are mistakenly looking in the "Feedback types" table, instead of looking in the "Feedback conditions" table
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?
Last edit: 2 years 2 weeks ago by joomleb.

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1 year 7 months ago - 1 year 7 months ago #19498 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.33 / 8.1.13 + Joomla 4.2.5 + Solidres 2.13.0 + Feedback plugin 1.2.6
- Property J4 test page: develop.egulp.net/turismo/alojamiento/el-machico-hostel
- Experience J4 test page: develop.egulp.net/component/solidres/?view=experience

3 - BUG - Feedback > Customer full name
it is not shown in frontend on the left side near the Flag icon, see the attached image. It should be shown like in the backend preview, see my previous attached image.
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?!?

5 / 6 - BUG - Feedback - Frontend Like "thumbs up" / Dislike "thumbs down" buttons.
On 2.13.0 changelog you wrote: "Fix issue that user could make multiple like/dislike".
That means a user should only be able to vote 1 time, either positive, or negative, not both. I attach an image here for you.
I can still make 2 votes at the same time: 1 like and 1 dislike (silly)
Please, Can you fix it ?

PS - BUG - fa-spinner
You are applying the class: fa fa-spin fa-spinner hide
- Where the "fa-spin" is from ? Font awesome 4 and 5 are using fa-spinner / fas fa-spinner
- the "hide" is not running and it should be deprecated. It should be "d-none" following Bootstrap 5

PPSS - BUG - In Frontend the ordering of the icons is in a reverse mode: Dislike "thumbs down" / Like "thumbs up" due to:
.sr-feedback-list .box > .detail > .like_count {float: right;}
While in the Backend > Feedbacks table, they are shown in the right way: Like "thumbs up" / Dislike "thumbs down"
Please, Can you show them with the right ordering ? (The like should be on the left)

12 - issue - Property and Experience > Scores tab > Progress-bars width
As you can see, they are not in full width.
Solution: to delete the “width: 280px;” property. Anyway, the entire code seems to be deprecated because defined yet from bootstrap.
…/media/plg_solidres_feedback/assets/css/feedbacks.css - line 277
#asset-feedback-scores > ul, #scores > ul {
width: 280px;
max-width: 100%;
list-style: none;
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

13 - BUG - Property > Scores tab > Progress-bars not loading
I attach an image here for you. Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?

2 - Issue - Language String tabs Titles
Suggestions. Please, take a look to my previous post...

14 - BUG - navbar & sortfilterbar
A - While the Feedback Scores sorting is added into the navbar, it is not shown into the Sort list of the sortfilerbar
B - You are mistakenly looking in the "Feedback types" table, instead of looking in the "Feedback conditions" table
Please, Can you confirm and fix it ?
Last edit: 1 year 7 months ago by joomleb.

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1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #19548 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic [3.0.0 Bugs] Feedback plugin 1.3.0
Hi guys,
Please, Can you confirm these Bugs ?

We are in the high Tourism season and we are losing all our customers, a disaster... I think you can imagine what a nightmare we are living.
Please, Can you suggest a manually fix / workaround at least for the reported:

13 - BUG - Property > Scores tab > Progress-bars not loading

14 - BUG - navbar & sortfilterbar
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by joomleb.

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