[RESOLVED] Upgraded us to PHP8 and our Solidres website has crashed

2 years 2 months ago #19439 by gerrit.swart
28 Nov 2022 is just about here have you guys worked on a replacement for the present Solidres that works with PHP8. Our website is down until you update Solidres to run with PHP8!

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2 years 2 months ago #19440 by Thellie
Please re-read what Viet posted already re: Solidres compatibility with PHP8, and the bit I wrote about how to revert to PHP 7.4 through cPanel (or contact your webhost).

Your site is atlantic.casa/index.php/en/ isn't it - the link you posted in the first post... it seems to be up and running okay...

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2 years 2 months ago #19447 by gerrit.swart
This is not possible with our server as we have been contractually forced to upgrade to PHP8 for security reasons. Most hosting services worth anything have all upgraded to PHP8 by now what is your delay for??!!!
UPGRADE YOUR SOFTWARE OR I WILL START LOOKING ELSWHERE AND GET ALL 10,000 of our members to give Solidres a bad review!

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2 years 2 months ago #19449 by solidres

PHP 7.4 security support will be ended officially in 28 Nov 2022, so if your hosting provider already forced you to upgrade to PHP 8 earlier, they are not doing the right thing:


Our Greenery template conversion is almost ready:


As your subscription was expired, please renew your subscription in order to download new Greenery updates with PHP 8 support, we will also help you in the upgrading to Joomla 4 + new Greenery version for the best PHP 8 compatibility.


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2 years 2 months ago #19452 by Thellie

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1 year 3 weeks ago - 1 year 3 weeks ago #20334 by Thai-Mc-Tours

I believe I caused an issue when went up to PHP8 a few months ago? Read this, went back to 7.4 (Thanks very much indeed Thellie!), at first no change, but reinstalled the backup I'd taken before PHP upgrade, job done. However, for some unknown reason issue's resurfaced? Only this time the most recent fully functional backup I've available is the same one as before, all later ones suffering from same issue; able to login (only via CloudAccess' autologin plugin, not from _site.com/administrator_ page), control panel displays but the moment attempt to access any item from any menu (menus expand no problem), login page displays and can't log back in. However, if check URL it's plain the login page displaying erroneously.
Trouble being of course, THIS time I've nothing recent to backup from, will lose 8 months worth of records.
I've reopened a couple of old but relevant support tickets here a few days ago, no word yet, I've two groups wishing to book so 13 people, fifteen days, over 800,000 Baht ($27,000) waiting on this fix?
Figured while I wait, may as well ask for your opinions, does anyone have any ideas please, I'm drawing a blank
**Except** that (grasping at straws) I've reinstalled last good complete backup, then the database from this later site with all the issues, figured it couldn't hurt, eh? In fact is far better than before! Almost fully functional! Obviously requiring the other half (files/folders side of the backup) but...I'm fairly sure soon as I add that into the mix, whole lot will meltdown again. Maybe if rather than using server's backup reinstallation option I D/L it, extracted & uploaded by FTP, erroneous files/folders might ping error reports & I can omit them, leave in the failed uploads folder for subsequent perusal?
Best Regards

Only a biker knows why a dog hangs its head out the window...!
Last edit: 1 year 3 weeks ago by Thai-Mc-Tours. Reason: Had a small win, exacerbated other worries

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