Restaurant Management System installation

By uploading package file

Step1: Access to the management of the Joomla (Administrator) and go to menu Extensions → Manage → Install


Step2: In the "Upload Package File" tab, browse for RMS package have downloaded to install.

Installation Installation

Step3: If successful installation will appear the message.


After installation is complete you can use this RMS at any time by accessing the Components → Restaurant Management System.


By installing from the folder

Step1: After downloading the file, make sure you extract it first.


Step2: Upload the extracted folder to your Joomla /tmp directory using your FTP client.


Step3: Go to Extensions → Manage → Install. In the Install section, click the Install from Folder tab.

Step4: At the "Install from Folder" field, type at the end of the path the name of the new folder that you have uploaded. Then click on Check and Install button. Installation

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