Coupon saving error with customer group "All"

8 years 7 months ago #6298 by tuxor
Hi, I have a a solidres v9 (testing for a client) and I created a coupon. But, when I go to check availability and put the coupon code, shows COUPON IS NOT VALID.

I choosed in client group General, because when I choose ALL, appers an error:

Se ha producido un fallo al guardar con el siguiente error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`hotelesj_centro`.`centro_sr_coupons`, CONSTRAINT `fk_sr_coupons_sr_customer_groups1` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_group_id`) REFERENCES `centro_sr_customer_groups` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPD) SQL=UPDATE `centro_sr_coupons` SET `state`='1',`coupon_name`='CUPON_OTOÑO',`coupon_code`='15OT16SO31',`amount`='30',`is_percent`='1',`valid_from`='2015-09-16 00:00:00',`valid_to`='2015-10-31 00:00:00',`customer_group_id`='-1',`reservation_asset_id`='1',`valid_from_checkin`='2015-09-16 00:00:00',`valid_to_checkin`='2015-10-31 00:00:00',`quantity`=NULL,`params`='{\"article\":\"\",\"image\":\"\"}' WHERE `id`='3'

And change all the dates to valid the coupon (puts 31-12-1969). Please, tellme how can to fix that because, the client likes solidres but he needs check that all works fine.


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8 years 7 months ago #6306 by vietvh

This is a known bug, it will be fixed in upcoming release v0.9.2

Thank you

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