Media Manager - Folders

1 year 7 months ago #19493 by Krx
Replied by Krx on topic Media Manager - Folders
Today I downloaded Solidres 1st time to evaluate it if it will be suitable for desired purpose. After some testing I was very surprised when I realized that all uploaded images goes into same folder. IMHO it would be tremendously more usable if each property would have its own folder for images named as ID. SO that media manager would see only images from folder belonging to current property
Current way of having all images in same folder is a nightmare for property managers with many properties where each property have many images.
It makes it next to impossible to properly maintain images.
This feature would be very easy to implement and keep it backward compatible.
Just add setting in main settings: Keep property images separated.
If not checked, system would work like before. If checked, system would create and unique folder for each property.
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1 year 7 months ago #19519 by Thai-Mc-Tours
Replied by Thai-Mc-Tours on topic Media Manager - Folders
+1, would love to be able to add good quality video without slowing page loading speed. Haven't tried on Solidres but iframe/YouTube etc on last (Joomla 3.8) site was unmitigated disaster.

Only a biker knows why a dog hangs its head out the window...!
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1 year 1 month ago #19909 by solidres
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1 year 1 month ago #19926 by joomleb
Replied by joomleb on topic Media Manager - Folders
Hi guys,
Solidres team is working on new Media Manager.
Unfortunately it will be an "internal Media Manager.

I meam:

- Joomla 4 introduced a new Media Manager:

- Each 3rd party Extension can use it. The easiest way is to use the standard core media field to let user select media data in your extension:

- There are yet some Developers that are adding fantastic features on top of the standard J4 Media Manager, like the best one DPMedia, here a perfect resuming:

- Solidres 2.14 is only for J4 (not for J3)

- Solidres Development Team energies are so precious

- Solidres efforts should be always concentrated on special / specific Solidres features, while leave the others features to the standard Joomla 4 and it's integrations

So, I hope in near future can be added a Solidres > Configuration > Media setting option to permit us to choose if to use the internal Solidres Media Manager or the standard Joomla 4 Media Manager (by using the standard core media field to let user select media data in Solidres).

This will permit us to add at once a lot of must have Media features for our Solidres Partners, without complicating Solidres developers life and just keeping Solidres more integrated with the standard Joomla workflow...
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10 months 3 weeks ago #20061 by solidres
Replied by solidres on topic Media Manager - Folders
Hi all,

The new media manager is ready, please give it a test:

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