Module Filter not showing & Sorting Bar doesn't work

3 years 1 month ago #18826 by
Yes, you were right.

After 3 days of testing and making 100 different versions :D I've figured out that Helix3 update from v2.5.6 to v3.0.1 was causing this problem with the calendar and date picking.

BUT... once I've made a new Joomla installation, when the first time I've added Module Filter, I've got all the needed parameters to set.

After publishing, everything was gone. Again!

So when I go to the module once again, there are NO parameters shown at all. That's why this module wasn't showing at all on the front user page.

I've deleted it, added a new module filter once again and it's empty! I've tried by changing UI Framework, still the same :(

What can be causing this problem? I'm having headaches for weeks because of this!
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3 years 1 month ago - 3 years 1 month ago #18827 by solidres

The Filter module parameters are controlled in Solidres Global Config > Hub.

Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by solidres.
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3 years 1 month ago #18829 by
Yes, I know that.

Have you seen the screen shoot?!

There's NOTHING showing in the Module Filter settings. Only the first time when I've installed a clean Joomla copy, the full module appeared and its settings, after that, the module itself it's empty and it's not showing on the page. I've tried everything.
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3 years 1 month ago #18833 by solidres

The Filter module itself does not have parameters, we are not sure what you are talking about.

Also, your username is not in the HUB subscribers list (both active + inactive list), where did you get the Filter module from? So we require you to open a private support ticket to continue asking support for paid extensions or you must email us the download ID so that we can verify your subscription.

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