[2.12.9 Bug] Experience plg 1.7.7 > Booking buttons - simplifying solution

2 years 2 months ago - 2 years 3 weeks ago #19014 by joomleb
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.29 + J 4.1.3 + Solidres 2.12.8 + Experience plg 1.7.6 etc. - test page
Options > General > UI Framework: BT5 for J4
The Experience Reservation page has two Submit groups buttons, one at the top and one at the bottom.

The Experience Reservation Submit group buttons at the top is missing the checking on Terms and Privacy selecting:
…/plugins/solidres/experience/layouts/experience/bookform/summary.php - from line 40 > to line 51
line 46 - <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> >>> <button type="submit" id="sr-btn-submit" class="btn btn-primary" <?php echo !empty($termsNCondition) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?>>

But, in my opinion, it is just a complication of useless code, it is useless to have two Submit Buttons, especially the one at the top of the page.
Solution: to delete the group buttons at the top by deleting the code from line 40 > to line 51
Are you agree ?

The Experience Reservation Submit group buttons at the bottom need some fixing code:
…/plugins/solidres/experience/components/com_solidres/views/bookform/tmpl/default.php - from line 195 > to line 213
line 196 - class="btn-group" >>> class="btn-group pull-right"
line 197 - class="btn btn-default" >>> class="btn btn-default btn-light"
line 202 - class="btn btn-primary" >>> class="btn <?php echo SR_UI_BTN_DEFAULT ?>"

I add here the "fixed" file for you, waiting your confirmation...

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Last edit: 2 years 3 weeks ago by joomleb.

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2 years 3 weeks ago #19080 by joomleb
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.30 + J 4.1.5 + Solidres 2.12.9 + Experience plg 1.7.7 etc. - test page
Options > General > UI Framework: BT5 for J4

1 - Experience page - Book now button
line 118 - <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block submit" disabled="disabled"> >>> <button type="submit" class="btn <?php echo SR_UI_BTN_DEFAULT ?> btn-block submit" disabled="disabled">

Experience Reservation page - Submit groups buttons, It has two:

2 - Submit groups buttons at the top
it is just a compilation of useless code, it is useless to have two Submit groups buttons
Solution: to delete the group buttons at the top by deleting the code from line 40 > to line 51, Do you agree ?
Anyway, it is also missing the checking on Terms and Privacy selecting:
line 46 - <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> >>> <button type="submit" id="sr-btn-submit" class="btn btn-primary" <?php echo !empty($termsNCondition) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?>>

3 - Submit groups buttons at the bottom
It need some fixing code:
line 240 - class="btn-group" >>> <div class="btn-group pull-right">
line 241 - class="btn btn-default" >>> class="btn btn-default btn-light"
line 246 - class="btn btn-primary" >>> class="btn <?php echo SR_UI_BTN_DEFAULT ?>"

I add here the three "fixed" files for you, waiting for your confirmation…

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2 years 2 weeks ago #19088 by solidres

Thank you for your feedback.

1 & 3. We will fix it in the next release.

2. We will fix the check for Terms, the purpose of the top button is to make it easier to submit the form in small screen without having to scroll.


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2 years 2 weeks ago #19090 by joomleb
Hi guys,

1 & 3 - Thanks

2 - "...the purpose of the top button is to make it easier to submit the form in small screen without having to scroll..." = I doubted it, I understand you. But:
- the booking forms are really so simple and shorts, there is almost no scrolling of the page to do
- you yet applied clear info alerts for each booking section
This is why we think the Submit groups buttons at the top it's just a waste of height space (which ultimately affects scrolling)

PS - All what we wrote here is valid also for the Property booking buttons, the same "fixing should be checked and applied also there

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