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Solidres for Joomla

Version 3.1.5 Stable

Released on
Saturday, 01 June 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

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Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.5 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • Add menu item ID selection for feedback submission form (Solidres Config > Feedback)
  • Fix Joomla 5 menu creation issue
  • Fix missing balance due in reservation confirmation email
  • Fix check in feature in reservation edit view
  • Partner list field: fix empty partner name when the partner middle name is null

Version 3.1.4 Stable

Released on
Wednesday, 08 May 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

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Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.4 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • Fix grand total does not include extra tax in reservation edit form
  • Fix payment base rate adjustment: the percent value is round up incorrectly
  • Fix error using $this when not in object context in reservation edit form (when there is applied discount)
  • Fix invalid booking type set in Javascript
  • Language file cleanup

Version 3.1.3 Stable

Released on
Monday, 22 April 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

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Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.3 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • Reservation status change email: uses the default Joomla language, not the active Joomla language
  • Fix error array_values(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given while accessing reservation when the origin list is empty
  • Bootstrap grid improvements in rate plan break down and rate plan standard mode

Version 3.1.2 Stable

Released on
Tuesday, 16 April 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

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Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.2 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • Check Availability module: fix incorrect max date setting in datepicker
  • Backend reservation creation: fix incorrect active rate plan ID + don't hide rate plans with the same prices
  • CSS cleanup unused rules

Version 3.1.1 Stable

Released on
Sunday, 14 April 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.1 STABLE release.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+ and Joomla 5

Change log:
  • New feature: Custom tabs for property. This feature was added for Experience, now it is available for property as well. The custom tabs can be added in the property edit form, and they will be show in the property single view in frontend.
  • Supports new children ages input for Check Availability module, Advanced Search module and the inline check availability form in single property view
  • Solidres 3 media migration: now it runs separately with the upgrade process for performance purpose, especially for site with a large number of media items. The migration can be triggered in Solidres System Info page after upgrading to Solidres 3
  • Unoccupied pricing: add support for rate plan with Mode = Daily
  • Add availability checking functionality for reservation status changing
  • Fix a Russian translation issue that breaks the reservation saving
  • Fix various PHP warning messages
  • Reservation form (frontend): add screen scrolling when clicking on the Back button
  • Occupancy restriction type (Rate plan scope): fix the child drop down is hidden when the min children is set = 0
  • Customer record failed to be saved: fix ambiguous error message “Save failed with the following error: ”
  • Language file cleanup
  • Check availability module: fix incorrect checkout date when parameter “Enable general availability range” is activated
  • Booking summary: remove duplicate layouts
  • Rate break down: remove unused popover
  • Fix Joomla recaptcha integration in Joomla 4/5
  • Fix infinite loading payment buffer page
  • Fix broken thumbnails re-generation in Solidres System Info page
  • Quick reservation (Statistics plugin): fix broken quick reservation related to deposit_amount field
  • Replaced various deprecated Joomla API calls
  • Simple Gallery: exclude the first image in the thumbnails column
  • Backend: fix pagination issue when the number of trashed items exceeds the list limit
  • Rate plans with same prices are now showed together. In previous versions the rate plans that have the same prices are hidden.
  • Improve the room reservation form layout when the guest name field is hidden

Version 3.1.0 Beta

Released on
Friday, 02 February 2024 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the Solidres v3.1.0 BETA release. As it is a BETA release, please use it for testing purpose only, do not use it in your live site.

Note: since v3.1.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.4+

Change log:
  • New feature: property extra email attachments. The property owner can set extra file to be added as attachment in the reservation completion email sending to the guest. Multiple files supported.
  • New feature: Occupied vs Unoccupied pricing (requires Complex Tariff plugin 1.8.0+). With this feature the owner can set different price for occupied stay vs unoccupied stay within the same reservation. It can be turned on in Solidres Config > Rate plan.
  • New feature: Percent pricing (requires Complex Tariff plugin 1.8.0+). With this feature (at this moment it applies for rate plan with type Per person per stay), it is now possible to set a base price (adult 1’s price), then for other adults and children the prices can be set as percent of the base price.
  • New feature: new settings Min adults + Max adults + Min children + Max children at rate plan level. The new settings allow you to set more flexible rate plan structure than the old Min people and Max people settings.
  • Replace jQuery UI Autocomplete with the bundled Joomla Awesomplete library
  • Replace webui-popover with Bootstrap popover
  • Upgrade jQuery UI to 1.13.2
  • Rate plan > Child room cost = Mixed: fix incorrect calculation
  • Reservation note: email sender info now uses the Joomla Email Config, not property name/email to avoid sending issue with some strict SMTP servers.
  • Hub > Partner dashboard: fix failed coupon and extra saving
  • Hub > Filter module: fix styling for distance slider filter
  • Hub > Commission rate per property: add support for reservation created from backend
  • SEF: fix Experience SEF when the alias is translated with Falang
  • Big layout improvements for backend and frontend views for better Bootstrap 5 support and reduce code duplicates
  • Apartment view: checkin and checkout fields are now mandatory
  • Apartment view: hide the Amenities section when there is no data
  • SEF: fix 404 error for startOver link when there is no available room types showed
  • Fix broken card form validation rule
  • Reservation creation and amending: the country field is now optional
  • System page > Database check list > Fix schema: fix issue Path is not a folder
  • Reservation list view: fix performance issue with the search tool when it has custom fields. Also fix incorrect filtering with multiple SELECT fields
  • Experience: fix parameters can not be saved (related to the new Solidres media manager)
  • Customer dashboard: fix My profile can not be saved related to password confirmation field
  • Customer dashboard: fix missing core Joomla language files
  • Customer dashboard: fix menu highlight issues
  • Customer dashboard: fix SolidresHelperRoute not found issue
  • From now Solidres won’t load Bootstrap.css manually to avoid breaking templates styling. It is now the template responsibility to load Bootstrap.css
  • Add validation rule for property email
  • Code improvements: continue removing deprecated Joomla API and move towards namespaced API

Version 3.0.1 Stable

Released on
Monday, 13 November 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is the stable version of Solidres v3.0.1

Note: since v3.0.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.3+

Change log:
  • Coupon and extra: add support for Solidres 3 new media manager
  • Fix PHP notice in System Info page related to accordion
  • Fix incorrect children quantity drop down required attribute in room type form
  • Fix toolbar button margin in partner dashboard
  • Show update version for lib_dompdf in System Info page
  • Improve support for Joomla 5
  • CSS cleanup
  • Customer dashboard: add support for new Solidres 3 media manager
  • Auto scroll: fix the anchor when the inquiry form is showed
  • System page: add missing Square payment plugin
  • Joomla user edit page: fix the State fields not populated automatically when the country field is changed
  • SEF: fix various regressions
  • Fix PHP warning in default_roomtype.php when there is no available room types
  • Fix Invalid controller class: reservationbase (Statistics widgets)

Version 3.0.0 Beta

Released on
Tuesday, 29 August 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v3.0.0 (BETA), a major release which is in BETA phase, please only use it for testing purpose only, do not use it in your production site.

Note: since v3.0.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.3+

Change log:
  • New media manager: this is one of the most voted feature requests. The new media manager stores images in separated folders for each property/room type/experience. It is much more light-weighted than the old media manager and written using plain JS. The updater will take care of the image migration for you to the new media manager folder structure
  • Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager: it helps us to solve a long standing issue with JS file loading order, make the code easier to maintain and improve loading performance
  • Improve Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 5 support
  • JS improvement: continuing converting old jQuery code into plain JS code
  • Router: improvements for property and experience
  • Partner dashboard (Hub): fix issue with Experience's Associated Accommodation field
  • Remove property's xreference field as it is not being used
  • Hub: fix pagination issue with default list limit and unavailable properties
  • Payment cancellation: fix issue with incorrect HTTP status code
  • Fix reservation saving issue when input exceed field max length
  • Replace SRToolbarHelper::customLink in favor of Joomla built-in toolbar
  • Replace SRInflector with Joomla\String\Inflector
  • Rate plan: adjoining and overlapping config options are now hidden and they are not recommended anymore
  • Property option Require user login: fix incorrect check
  • Inquiry form: add Reply to field in the email sent to administrator for faster replying
  • Inline edit: fix channel manager callback and styling for Hub partner dashboard
  • Scroll offset: add support for scrolling to room type name
  • General code cleanup, remove remaining Joomla 3 legacy code, reduce code duplicates
  • Language files cleanup: remove unused constants
  • New property config: rounding to nearest ten or nearest thousand

Version 2.13.4 Stable

Released on
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.13.4 (Stable), it is a minor release which fixes various issues found in previous version.

Note: since v2.13.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4.2+

Change log:
  • Fix broken Partner field in menu item type Partner route
  • Fix incorrect default language in sending reservation completion email
  • Summary module: supports for Guests number in addition to Adults/Children
  • CSS improvements for view=reservationasset
  • Reservation list view: fix PHP warning when a reservation has no currency assigned
  • Remove the remaining old Joomla 3 Chosen library usage
  • Fix PHP warning related to strpos in property edit form

Version 2.13.3 Stable

Released on
Monday, 17 April 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.13.3 (Stable), it is a minor release which fixes various issues found in previous version.

Note: since v2.13.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4+

Change log:
  • New feature: OpenStreetMap integration (this is an experimental feature, it should be used for testing purpose only, it is also not yet supported in Solidres commercial extensions)
  • Apartment view: fix incorrect rate plan calculation due to incorrect checkin/checkout dates passed
  • Customer dashboard > My reservations: add Total Fee and Tourist Tax
  • Add Total Fee field into the Summary module layout
  • Fix room type/room deletion and changing state issues
  • Code cleanup for modules related to module class suffix
  • Fix PHP warning related to room type Is Exclusive setting
  • Update Panama states
  • Fix date picker field does not show correct values for multilingual site
  • Fix various issues in Solidres Style 2 & 3: inquiry form, prioritizing room type
  • Improve Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 5 support
  • Fix installation SQL error: Index column size too large.
  • Fix reservation saving issue in front end: 404 not found
  • Now all the carousel initiation is done automatically without using manual Javascript calls
  • Fix PHP warning in the router: foreach() argument must be type of array|object, string given

Version 2.13.2 Stable

Released on
Friday, 10 March 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.13.2 (Stable), it is a minor release which fixes various issues found in previous version.

Note: since v2.13.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4+

Change log:
  • Reservation note: add ability to attach file (allowed file types is configurable)
  • Add scroll offset for auto scroll feature to have better compatibility with templates that have sticky header/menu
  • Bank wire: add editor for field Account details to allow more formatting/styling
  • Fix inline reservation status changing
  • Fix incorrect display of the availability message in view=reservationasset
  • Add base cost variable for commission emails
  • Improve styling for Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 5
  • Fix an issue with Joomla database checker
  • Recaptcha: fix error couldn’t find user-provided function: enableBtnBook
  • Fix broken reservation status color changing when using the inline reservation status changing
  • Inquiry form: add support for showing custom field type Radio/Checkbox
  • Customer dashboard: fix itemId lost in menu My Profile
  • Single supplement: fix ngative value is not accepted
  • SEF: fix property link when mutiple menu items with type = “Property list” are published
  • Fix error extract(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given when configured to show no available room types

Version 2.13.1 Stable

Released on
Tuesday, 17 January 2023 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.13.1 (Stable), it is a minor release which fixes various issues found in previous version.

Note: since v2.13.0, Solidres only supports Joomla 4+

Change log:
  • Improve support for FontAwesome 5, Bootstrap 5
  • Remove the usage of obsolete Chosen library and 'sortable.sortable'
  • Fix broken sample data installation because of the new Alternative name field
  • Fix missing class SRLayoutHelper
  • Customer dashboard: fix missing Amend button
  • Customer dashboard: fix hard code reservation cancellation status in reservation list
  • Fix error related to currency in the reservation creation form
  • Fix error 'This file type is not supported' in the Media Manager
  • Apartment view: fix standard rate plan break down not showed
  • Fix broken reservation completion email sending to partner
  • Fix error 'tourist_tax_amount' does not have a default value when saving new reservation
  • Fix error when changing reservation status: Invalid address: (to)
  • Customer group: fix error when changing the publishing statuses
  • Offline payment plugin: fix issue that prevent the displaying of the first 8 credit card digits in reservation form
  • Fix broken payment plugin toggle state in System info page
  • Optimize the view=reservationasset layout, reduce code duplication
  • Fix hidden captcha when user navigates back and forth in the reservation form
  • Wishlist: fix PHP warning with count()
  • Fix SEF issue with view=apartment

Version 2.13.0 Stable

Released on
Thursday, 01 December 2022 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.13.0 (Stable), it is a major release with focus on Joomla 4 compatibility and removing Joomla 3 support.

Change log:
  • Improve support for Joomla 4 + Bootstrap 5 + Fontawesome 5
  • Drop support for Joomla 3 and older Bootstrap versions (prior to Bootstrap 5)
  • Add captcha for view=apartment
  • Add availability calendar display for view=apartment
  • Add Terms and Conditions checkbox for view=apartment
  • Add th-TH translation (contributed by Thellie)
  • Inquiry form: add support for custom fields
  • Add new option to require user log in in the single property view
  • Fix payment method popover display in guest form
  • Language files cleanup, fix syntax error in es-ES
  • Fix side navigation bar display issue when option Main activity is set as Experience
  • Remove option Invoice number prefix override
  • Add missing Experience Offline payment method entry in System info page
  • Fix grand total amount is not updated automatically in reservation edit form in backend
  • Reduce duplicated code for confirmationform and guestform
  • Fix apartment layout issue when option Layout style is set as 'Style 2'
  • Fix side navigation bar state remembering issue
  • Fix extra item deletion issue due to a foreign key constraint
  • Fix reservation saving issue related to custom field type 'File upload' in view=apartment

Version 2.12.10 Stable

Released on
Monday, 03 October 2022 07:00

Please see the installation guide before you try to install it.

Read "How to install Solidres" in here.

Read "How to upgrade Solidres" in here.

You have installation's problems? Please post questions in the forum.

Read user manual documentation in here.

This is Solidres v2.12.10 (Stable), it is a maintenance release which fixes an issue in the previous v2.12.9 release.

Change log:
  • Fix installation issue in Joomla 4.2

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