Thank you for all the feedback for v3.0.0 BETA, we are now able to ship v3.0.1 STABLE which fixes various issues since the BETA release and improves Joomla 5 support. We also introduce the new channel manager Beds24 integration, details change log can be found below:
Solidres 3.0.1 STABLE
Coupon and extra: add support for Solidres 3 new media manager
Fix PHP notice in System Info page related to accordion
Fix incorrect children quantity drop down required attribute in room type form
Fix toolbar button margin in partner dashboard
Show update version for lib_dompdf in System Info page
Improve support for Joomla 5
CSS cleanup
Customer dashboard: add support for new Solidres 3 media manager
Auto scroll: fix the anchor when the inquiry form is showed
System page: add missing Square payment plugin
Joomla user edit page: fix the State fields not populated automatically when the country field is changed
SEF: fix various regressions
Fix PHP warning in default_roomtype.php when there is no available room types
The upcoming iCal plugin v1.1.0 will support importing from multiple iCal sources (URLs). Although syncing via iCal is not as robust as using channel manager, it is still preferred by many users because it is a more affordable solution to sync availability across multiple sites.
This version is the first major release this year with a lot of new features, improvements and bug fixes. Please note that it is a BETA release which is for testing purpose only, please don’t use it in your production site.
Solidres for Joomla 3.0.0 BETA
New media manager: this is one of the most voted feature requests. The new media manager stores images in separated folders for each property/room type/experience. It is much more light-weighted than the old media manager and written using plain JS. The updater will take care of the image migration for you to the new media manager folder structure.
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager: it helps us to solve a long standing issue with JS file loading order, make the code easier to maintain and improve loading performance.
Improve Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 5 support
JS improvement: continuing converting old jQuery code into plain JS code
Router: improvements for property and experience
Partner dashboard (Hub): fix issue with Experience’s Associated Accommodation field
Remove property’s xreference field as it is not being used
Hub: fix pagination issue with default list limit and unavailable properties
Payment cancellation: fix issue with incorrect HTTP status code
Fix reservation saving issue when input exceed field max length
Replace SRToolbarHelper::customLink in favor of Joomla built-in toolbar
Replace SRInflector with Joomla\String\Inflector
Rate plan: adjoining and overlapping config options are now hidden and they are not recommended anymore
Property option Require user login: fix incorrect check
Inquiry form: add Reply to field in the email sent to administrator for faster replying
Inline edit: fix channel manager callback and styling for Hub partner dashboard
Scroll offset: add support for scrolling to room type name
New experience parameter: Count children. This parameter controls whether the children number is counted into the available participant numbers
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager
Apply Joomla 4 fancy select for the search tools in view=expreservations
Improve support for Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 5
Hub partner dashboard: fix experience saving issue ‘Save failed with the following error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails’
Hub partner dashboard: fix broken experience edit link
SEF: fix issue with the exp link within the single experience category page
Deposit per person: fix incorrect calculation
Fix various issue in the backend reservation saving
Language files cleanup
Complex Tariff 1.7.0
New rate plan modes: Weekly and Monthly. The new modes allow you to specify a whole price for week or month.
Statistics 1.8.5
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager
Fix broken links in widgets Upcoming check-in/out
Improve Bootstrap 5 support
Channel Manager 1.1.8
Callback: fix issue Call to a member function getError() on null
Limit Booking 1.1.6
Partner dashboard: fix incorrect dataset
Improve translations
Improve Bootstrap 5 support
Fix syntax error in es-ES language files
Feedback 1.3.0
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager
Support Solidres 3 new Media Manager
Fix feedback submission issue
Thumbs up/down: only allow 1 vote per user
Styling improvements
Improve translations
Currency 1.0.0
Integrate with Joomla 4 Scheduler Task
Invoice 1.6.1
Partner dashboard: fix incorrect dataset
Improve translations
Remove old Joomla 3 code
Discount 0.8.3
Add support for configurable status system
Fix syntax error in es-ES
Language files cleanup
Improve Joomla 4 support
Partner dashboard: fix incorrect dataset
Experience Invoice & PDF 0.9.1
Email sender info: use the global site name and email address as the sender, not experience email and company name (need confirmation)
Fix invalid controller ‘experienceinvoice’ issue
Fix view not found issue (expinvoices)
Fix strcasecmp issue with null value
Improve Bootstrap 5 support
Housekeeping 0.3.2
Fix FontAwesome 5 icon
Fix es-ES syntax error
Camera Slideshow 0.9.0
Add new hu-HU translation
Support new Solidres 3.0.0 media manager
Asset module 1.0.4
Add static room number and max occupancy fields
Remove redundant module class suffix declaration
Module parameters cleanup
Loading JS/CSS file relatively
SEF: the property link is now broken
Map module 0.6.0
Remove unused variable $protocol
Fix loading non-existent helper.php file
Remove redundant module class suffix declaration
Module parameters cleanup
Experience Search module 0.7.4
Sort the categories alphabetically
Improve Bootstrap 5 support
Improve Joomla 4 support
Module parameters cleanup
Remove redundant module class suffix declaration
Feedback module 0.7.2
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager
Fix FontAwesome 5 icon
Room Types module 0.8.5
Auto start the carousel without using JS initiation
Remove redundant module class suffix declaration
SEF: fix broken link when com_solidres is set as the default menu item
Load JS/CSS relatively
Module parameters cleanup
Advanced Search module 1.3.7
Apply Joomla 4 Web Asset Manager
Module parameters cleanup
Filter module 0.9.3
Facilities must be sorted using the ordering set in back end
This is one of the mostvoted feature request in our forum: to store media items in separated folder for each property/room type/experience. We also rewrite the current media manager to simplify the code base and eliminate jQuery dependency entirely. The new media manager is planned for version 2.14.0.
Emerald v6.0.0 is the third template which has been refactored to support Joomla 4 and PHP 8+ (built upon Helix Ultimate framework), it is already available for download for all active subscribers, quickstart packages are also included.