Welcome to Solidres - A Complete Hotel Booking Solution for Joomla & WordPress

Porta template v2.0.0 released

Porta template v2.0.0 has been rebuilt using the new Helix Ultimate framework with Joomla 4/5 and PHP 8+ support. All active Porta subscribers can download the new version from your Download section.

If you are new to this template: Porta is a dedicated and unique template for Accommodation and Restaurant booking portal site, please check out the Porta information page for more information.

Price increase notice for Solidres

Dear Solidres subscribers,

Thank you for putting your valuable trust in Solidres for all these years. Although we have tried our best to keep the expenses low, our operating costs have increased significantly due to global factors in recent times. After carefully reviewing the finances, we have made a tough decision to increase Solidres prices for all subscription levels as below:

Subscription levelNew price
SINGLE$99 / 06 months
BUNDLE$149 / 06 months
HUB$279 / 06 months
DEVELOPER$499 / 18 months

The change will be effective from August 01, 2024. Our website will reflect the new prices on the same day. Till then, you can take benefit of the old prices.

We thank you for your understanding and support.

Solidres Team

Solidres for Joomla 3.1.1 Stable released

We’d like to thank all Solidres users for the bug reports and feedback since the last 3.1.0 BETA, we are now able to finalize and release version 3.1.1 Stable, changed log can be found below:

Solidres for Joomla 3.1.1 Stable

  • New feature: Custom tabs for property. This feature was added for Experience, now it is available for property as well. The custom tabs can be added in the property edit form, and they will be show in the property single view in frontend.
  • Supports new children ages input for Check Availability module, Advanced Search module and the inline check availability form in single property view
  • Solidres 3 media migration: now it runs separately with the upgrade process for performance purpose, especially for site with a large number of media items. The migration can be triggered in Solidres System Info page after upgrading to Solidres 3
  • Unoccupied pricing: add support for rate plan with Mode = Daily
  • Add availability checking functionality for reservation status changing
  • Fix a Russian translation issue that breaks the reservation saving
  • Fix various PHP warning messages
  • Reservation form (frontend): add screen scrolling when clicking on the Back button
  • Occupancy restriction type (Rate plan scope): fix the child drop down is hidden when the min children is set = 0
  • Customer record failed to be saved: fix ambiguous error message “Save failed with the following error: ”
  • Language file cleanup
  • Check availability module: fix incorrect checkout date when parameter “Enable general availability range” is activated
  • Booking summary: remove duplicate layouts
  • Rate break down: remove unused popover
  • Fix Joomla recaptcha integration in Joomla 4/5
  • Fix infinite loading payment buffer page
  • Fix broken thumbnails re-generation in Solidres System Info page
  • Quick reservation (Statistics plugin): fix broken quick reservation related to deposit_amount field
  • Replaced various deprecated Joomla API calls
  • Simple Gallery: exclude the first image in the thumbnails column
  • Backend: fix pagination issue when the number of trashed items exceeds the list limit
  • Rate plans with same prices are now showed together. In previous versions the rate plans that have the same prices are hidden.
  • Improve the room reservation form layout when the guest name field is hidden

Hub 1.15.1

  • New feature: Children ages input for Advanced Search module
  • Partner dashboard: fix media upload issue for property/room type
  • Location map: fix compatibility with Solidres 3 new media manager
  • Fix broken search in view=search default form
  • Language file cleanup

Experience 1.10.3

  • Gallery tab: tab is still showed when the gallery list is empty
  • Experience single view: add ability to remember tabs
  • Fix issue “Can not access property starting with ‘\0’” while editing reservation
  • Start time: change from field type ExpTime to Time for more flexible time input
  • Language file cleanup
  • Voucher: apply Solidres options “Voucher PDF file name” and “Send PDF voucher attachment”

Complex Tariff 1.8.1

  • Quick tools: fix incorrect label hiding status
  • Unoccupied pricing: add support for rate plan Mode = Daily

Channel Manager 2.0.1

  • Beds24: fix invalid field Webhook
  • Room type channel manager config: fix incorrect query

Feedback 1.3.3

  • Fix Joomla 5 compatibility

Custom Field 1.4.2

  • Fix field tooltip for Bootstrap 5

Experience Invoice 0.9.3

  • Fix hard coded font in Voucher
  • Fix Joomla 5 compatibility (Table classes)
  • Language file cleanup
  • Fix incorrect characters encoding in invoice table

Advanced Search module 1.5.0

  • Now children ages can be set together with children quantity
  • Language file cleanup

Location Map module 0.8.0

  • Fix compatibility with Solidres 3
  • Map refactoring
  • Module parameter cleanup
  • Remove redundant moduleclass_sfx declaration
  • Map should show for view=search when the menu query Location is set
  • Load JS files relatively

Camera Slideshow 1.0.1

  • Fix float left styling issue with Solidres 3+

Assets module 1.0.7

  • Remove manual carousel init calls
  • Fix incorrect path for tinycircleslider in list layout

Authorize.net 0.6.4

  • Fix error: Invalid handle provided
  • Fix broken showon attribute for form field + apply new radio field style

Useful links for you

Update notes

  • Check our documentation for more details about upgrade notes
  • Make sure that you install Dompdf plugin as it is required for all PDF functionality since v2.8.0. Old Tcpdf is unsupported now.
  • Solidres is now required PHP 7.4+ and Joomla 4/5. Please make sure that you upgrade your PHP version first before upgrading to new Solidres version.

New feature highlight: Percent pricing

This new feature was added in Complex Tariff 1.8.0 for rate plan type “Per person per stay”, there is a new setting “Pricing type” with 2 values: Fixed and Percent. When activated, the adult 1’s price will be set as BASE price, and other adults and children’s prices will be the percent of the BASE price. The percent pricing feature could help maintaining rate plan easier and faster for specific businesses.

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