How to build multilingual sites
Configure Falang and Joomla Languages
Step1: Download FaLang (Free)
You can download FaLang (Free) here:
Step2: Install FaLang
After having downloaded the Falang application, to install your packages by following the steps below:
- 1. Go to Extensions then Extension Manager
- 2. Install tab
- 3. Click on Browse for the downloaded file
- 4. Find the installer on your desktop
- 5. Click Upload & Install
Step3: Checking of the installation
To check if all the elements have installed, go to Manage tab in Extension Manager and type “falang” in the filter.
Make sure that in your Falang settings - Translations tab - "Store original version as", you should select "MD5 key and clear text" so that it can work properly with Solidres.
Step4: Install language for your site
You must install languages which you wish to use and set which language is your default. The language configuration is located in the Languages Manager, click Install Language button.
Choose the language and click Install
After successful install language, you return languages manager
Here you can also activate the default language of your site. The default language is visible by the golden star. The other displayed languages are the additional languages of your website
Step5: Create content language
Falang is based on Joomla default language system. You need to have the same site language and content language. After you install a new language, you need to install manually a content language.
Go to Language Manager → Content tab → click New button
Enter all the information and save.
Step6: Enable the Plugins
Then go to the plugins manager (Extensions → Plug-in Manager).
Publish the following two plugins:
- System- Falang Database Driver (Falang plugin)
- System - Language Filter (Joomla! language plugin)
Click on the checkboxes of the available plugins "System - FaLang Database Driver" and "System - Language Filter", and push the button "Enable", top left.
Hint: Or Activate the plugin by clicking the red x rectangle.
Step7: Publish and Configure the FaLang Language Switcher
Then configure the language switcher, which allows your visitors to choose their language - go to Extensions > Modules Manager and type “falang” in the filter. The module’s name is Falang Language Switcher.
Configure the module with the followings options:
- Position: depends on your template - choose the appropriate module position
- Status: Published
- Menu Assignment: "On all Pages"
Step8: Check the display of the "FaLang Language Switcher" in the "Frontend" of your site
Clicking the flag changes the language.
Step9: Translations setting
To create translations go now to Falang’s component, click Components → Falang
Go to the Translation tab. It will appear blank until you choose a language from the drop-down menu.
After you've selected the language, select the Content element you want to edit. You will then see all of your content elements listed.
Now you can translate your content. Begin with the translation of the "Field: Title" and the "Field: Alias"
Then, translate the "Article Text" of your content, in the "Field: Article Text", the original text of your content will be displayed above the editor.
Last, you can translate the Meta Keywords and Meta Description of your content.
Choose the language and check the Published box.
Falang content element files installation
1. In case your website installed the Solidres package before install Falang, you must copy the content elements file by hand (manually) as follows:
Go to:..\ administrator\components\com_solidres\falang, you copy and paste the 4 files in: ..\administrator\components\com_falang\contentelements
Note: if you are having Hub plugin installed, make sure that you also copy the Hub's content element files from this folder too: /plugins/solidres/hub/administrator/components/com_solidres/falang
Note: if you are having Custom Field plugin installed, make sure that you also copy the Custom Field's content element files from this folder too: /plugins/solidres/customfield/administrator/components/com_solidres/falang
2. In case your website has Falang, then install Solidres, the Solidres installation package will automatically copy content elements files to Falang.
Then the translation will have the full Content element are as follows:
Translate contents of the Solidres
Go to Falang’s component by click Components → Falang. In the Translation tab, you choose a language from the drop-down languages and next you select the Content elements you want to edit (the available element have a "Solidres" in the name). You will then see all of your content elements listed.
And this is the example about translate your reservation asset: Sunflower.
Translate contents of the custom field
Where the translate of custom field content is a bit different, it has not been in Falang component, that you go to Asset Name you want to translate, select the tab Custom filed.
In there, you just need to insert the tag {lang URL_Language_Code} translated content {/lang}, for example: {lang en} EN content {/lang}, {lang ge} GE content {/lang} , {lang it} IT content {/lang}, .. etc.