How to configure Experience
In the following tutorial, we will use the term “Experience”, you can refer to it as “Tour”, “Activity” or something like that.
NOTE Before install Experience, make sure that you install and enable Custom Field plugin first.
1. First, you need to download Experience plugin and Experience Search module from our Download page ( and install it via Joomla Extension Installer. This plugin already contains Bank Wire, Pay Later and PayPal payment plugin inside and they will be automatically installed with Experience plugin.
After installing it, you can go to Solidres – System Info page to make sure that Experience plugin is enabled. If it is enabled, you will be able to see a new section in left navigation bar called “Experiences”, this section has 5 submenus:

2. Now it is ready for set up, first, we will need to define some categories, you need to have at least 01 categories. The category is used to group your experiences, it can be used in your menu to show experience from specific categories.

3. Next, we will create some transportation types for your business. Just create all possible transportation types here so that you can assign them to your experience later.

4. When you are done with transportation, it is time to review the built-in custom fields. By default, Experience comes with 16 custom fields which are common fields, in the Custom Fields menu you can add/edit/remove fields to make it work the way you want. Those fields will be showing up in front-end experience book form.

5. Now we are ready to configure the main part: the experience itself.
Let create a new experience. There are 6 tabs, the last Stream tab is not covered here. You can hover your mouse over the field label to see more description.
Tab General: you will need to enter basic information about your experience here.

Tab Pricing: this is where you define your experience’s pricing, you can define simple flat pricing (per person) or pricing per quantity. Experience plugin also supports child pricing by age ranges.
- Simple flat pricing: if you charge the same price for each adult, just enter your price into field “Price per person”.
- Pricing per booked number of adults: if you charge different prices according to the number of booked adult, then you can check this example:
- Number of adults = 1 and Price = 10
- Number of adults = 5 and Price = 9
- Number of adults = 10 and Price = 8
- If guest books 1 to 4 adults, the price is $10 for each adult
- If guest books 5 to 9 adults, the price is $9 for each adult
- If guest books 10+ adults, the price is $8 for each adult

- That means (assumes that the currency is US dollars):
The same goes for children prices, the only difference is that children prices support age ranges.
Tab Available dates: this is where you define your experience’s availability, by default, your experience has no availability and you need to click on the dates that you want to make it available (Hint: click on the month name to select the whole month).
Tab Payments: configure your payment gateways, for payment gateway that requires field Success message, you can use this text:
<p>Thank you [CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME] [CUSTOMER_LASTNAME]!</p> <p>Your reservation number [CODE] via [TOUR_NAME] has been completed successfully.</p> <p>We've sent a confirmation email to [CUSTOMER_EMAIL]</p>
Tab Contact: enter some information about your business, this informatin will be used in the outgoing emails.
6. Now we have our first experience, how to show it in the front end? We can do that by creating new menu items.
When Experience plugin is installed, it will enable 2 new menu types: Single Tour and List Tour
- Single tour: to show a single experience. If you use this menu type, you will need to select specific experience.
- List tour: to show a list of experiences. If you use this menu type, by default it will show all available experiences, and you can restrict the list to specific countries, city, categories in tab “Frontend Setting”.

7. Front-end configuration is not yet completed, we still need to publish Experience Search module, you can do that in Joomla Module Manager, then choose a position for it for publishing.
In this module parameters, you can choose a Menu item id for module redirection.