How to make a language package for Solidres

To make a new language package for Solidres, the simplest way is to clone the existing English translation and start translating from it. The English translation includes the following files:

  • /administrator/component/com_solidres/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_solidres.ini
  • /administrator/component/com_solidres/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_solidres.sys.ini
  • /component/com_solidres//language/en-GB/en-GB.com_solidres.ini
Then make a clone like the following
  • /administrator/component/com_solidres/language/xy-XY/xy-XY.com_solidres.ini
  • /administrator/component/com_solidres/language/xy-XY/xy-XY.com_solidres.sys.ini
  • /component/com_solidres/language/xy-XY/xy-XY.com_solidres.ini

Where xy and XY are the language code, more information here:

After translation, if you want to share it with the Solidres community then please feel free to send a copy of those 3 files to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will evaluate and include it in the Solidres package.

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