How to configure Discount
The discount plugin adds the ability to define discount rules for Solidres, you can use it to provide a discount for your guest while making a reservation at your Solidres powered websites.
Configuring this plugin is very easy, you need to install Solidres Discounts plugin (available for all subscribers) via Joomla Extension Installer, then enable it in Joomla Plugin Manager.
The discount management interface can be accessed via Solidres backend → Reservations → Discounts.

To create a new discount, click on the "New" button, the form is pretty straightforward. All fields are pretty much self-explained and easy to understand, there are some fields that you need to pay attention to:

1. Discount type: there are total 06 discount types to choose from:
- On the length of stay (night or day): this type is useful when you want to create discount like "Discount 10% for guest who stays from 7 days to 14 days".
- On number of booked rooms: for example "Discount 20% for guest who books more than 3 rooms."
- On number of days booked in advanced: for example "Discount 15% if guest book at least 30 days before arrival".
- On room type availability: this discount can be used to automatically give discount according to your room type availability, for example, "Discount 10% if our Double Room has 70% free rooms; Discount 5% if our Double Room has 30% free rooms."
- Free X cheapest stay (night/day) (NEW): now you can offer your guest free X cheapest stay where X is the number of cheapest night/day you want to give away for free.
- Free X last stay (night/day) (NEW): now you can offer your guest free X last stay where X is the number of last night/day you want to give away for free.
2. Valid from and Valid to: these two fields restrict the date range that your guest can apply the discount while they make their reservation.
3. Applied type (NEW) and Applied days (NEW): since Discount v0.7.0 you can set the applied type for the discount, there are two types available, they are "Arrival days" and "Staying days", specific restrictions days is configured in "Applied days" and your guest stay must satisfy them in order to be qualified for the discount.
3. From and To: these two fields limit (lower & upper) for discount to be applied. Depending on the type of discount it is limited by a number of nights / rooms / days / %.
4. Value: enter the discount value.
5. Is percent?: select whether the discount value is a percent or fixed amount.
6. Priority: enter the priority of discount (1 is the highest), when multiple discounts are applicable, the highest priority will be processed first.
7. Stop further processing: if this option is enabled, when this discount and other discount are applicable at the same time, all discounts after this one will not be processed.