Reservation statuses in Solidres

Solidres has 07 reservation statuses by default:

  1. Pending: this status is used when a guest book for your rooms but not yet complete payment, therefore the booked rooms are not officially occupied and they are still available for another booking.
  2. Confirmed: this status is used when a guest books your rooms and also complete payment, the booked rooms are now officially occupied and they are unavailable for another booking.
  3. Checked-in: this status is used when guests arrive and check in their rooms, rooms are of course not available for booking during their stay.
  4. Checked-out: this status is used when a guest checks out your rooms. If Feedback plugin installed and enabled, Solidres will send your guest an email to ask for feedback about their stay.
  5. Cancelled: this status is used when a guest books your rooms but decided to cancel the booking when a booking is canceled, all booked rooms will be available again for another booking. Solidres will also send emails to owner and customer to notify about the cancellation.
  6. Trashed: this status is used when you want to delete a reservation from your system. Please note that after trashed a reservation, you sill need to empty trashed it (refer to our FAQ - Component - #2).
  7. Closed: this status is for the legacy purpose, you can just ignore it.

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