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New feature highlight: Master/Slave mode

At first, it sounds like a database setup, but it is not. Master/Slave mode is the new feature for Solidres 2.8.0 (Joomla), this new feature is very useful when you want to rent your apartment as a whole unit or as separated rooms at the same time, that means if your apartment is unavailable then all rooms must not be bookable, and if one of your rooms is unavailable then your apartment must be unavailable too. The apartment is the “Master” room type and other dependent room types are “Slave” in this setup.

Actually, we implemented this feature last year, however it does not allow setting different prices for different rooms with that setup therefore we improved it further by introducing this Master/Slave mode.

Admin Customizer – Beautify your Joomla admin!

We’ve been working with Joomla! a lot, and we look at the Joomla! admin screens almost every single day. To be honest, it is boring. The Joomla! admin template allows us to configure some colors using its parameters, but it is quite limited and it is also very time-consuming to find a good and satisfying color scheme, is there a better/quicker way? We asked and we answered by developing a new plugin called Admin Customizer, it has the following main features:

+ Built-in 12 color scheme for you to choose from, and if you are still not satisfied with them, you can create your own.
+ Customizing back end logo and login form logo
+ Customizing login form background image

Last but not least, our upcoming Solidres for Joomla! 2.8.0 has a refresh dashboard user interface and it also has full support for Admin Customizer, stay tuned!

New feature highlight: Registration card

Adding support for Registration card has been requested multiple times by our users and now we are able to introduce it, please see details in below screenshot. Our Registration card feature allows you to design the card layout by dragging and dropping fields easily and conveniently without touch any lines of code, it can be used by non-technical staffs as well. There are many predefined fields to choose from. When your guest check-in at your accommodation, you can just print the registration card and all the guest’s info will be filled automatically, your guest only need to sign it, it helps to make the check-in process faster than before. This feature will be available in Invoice & PDF plugin v1.2.0 (Joomla).

Registration Card

Registration card

Registration card

Porta – Unique template for Accommodation and Restaurant booking portal site

Porta Joomla Template

The market is full of accommodation/restaurant booking portal Joomla template, but the majority of them are only for building ‘prototype’ websites with many ‘custom HTML’ modules, not a real dynamic and functional website because there is no real integration with a real accommodation/restaurant booking extension like Solidres and RMS. Porta is the first template that we made specifically for accommodation or restaurant booking portal site, all in a single installation package. It is designed to work with Hub plugin (for accommodation site) and RMS MULTI (for restaurant site), it is available as a separated purchase here: Solidres HUB, RMS MULTI.

For active HUB subscribers, we released a new Locations module which you can download from your Download section, it can show a list of locations (cities) in front end dynamically using Masonry layout and it is fully responsive. Although it was designed mainly for Porta, it can be used with any of our other Joomla templates.

For active RMS subscribers, there is a new RMS MULTI subscription level for users who want to build a restaurant booking portal site. There are 03 new modules for Portal template subscribers: Search, Locations, and Restaurants.

More information can be found on the Porta subscription page, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

RMS SINGLE and RMS MULTI v1.2.0 are released

Our RMS (Restaurant Management System) version 1.2.0 has been released with the following new features:

  • Shifts: define flexible opening and closing hours for each weekday. Multiple shifts per day are supported.
  • Turn times: configure the maximum period your guests can use a table before it is being made available for other reservations. Turn time can be defined differently per shift.
  • Special days: close a day or configure a special day which has different shifts than a normal day.

In addition to that, we also released a new RMS edition for building a restaurant booking portal site called RMS MULTI. This edition allows your guest can check multiple restaurants in a location (city) for table availability and make their own reservation with their favorite restaurant.

Changelog details can be found in your RMS download section, if you need more information please visit our RMS subscription page or don’t hesitate to contact us.

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